The Mansions of Heaven

Then I saw a man of God examining his appointed mansion from a great distance. When this man, in company with the angels, arrived at the door of his appointed mansion, he saw written on it in shining letters the word "Welcome," and from the letters themselves "Welcome, Welcome," in audible sound was repeated and repeated again. When he had entered his home, to his surprise he found the Lord there before him. At this, his joy was more than we can describe, and he exclaimed, "I left the Lord's presence and came here at His command, but I find that the Lord Himself is here to dwell with me." In the mansion was everything that his imagination could have conceived, and everyone was ready to serve him. In the near-by houses, Saints, like-minded to himself, lived in happy fellowship. For this heavenly house is the Kingdom, which has been prepared for the Saints from the foundation of the world (Matt. 25:34), and this is the glorious future that awaits every true follower of Messiah.