Epistle of James (Ya'aqub) - Chapter 3:

1 Do not permit there to be too many teachers among you, my brethren; you should know that we are subjected to a severer judgment. 2 For all of us have offended in many things. Whoever does not offend in what he states is like a perfect man who is able to keep his whole body in subjection. 3 Behold, we put bridles into the mouth of horses so that they are subject to us and through the bridles we are able to control the whole body. 4 Also, ships that are large, when strong winds drive them, they are directed by a small piece of wood to whatever direction the pilot chooses with the rudder.

5 So likewise the tongue is a small member and it exalts itself. Also a small flame can overtake a large forest. 6 Now the tongue is like a fire and the world of sin is like a forest. And this tongue, which is only one among our members, stains the whole body; and it ignites fire within our whole body and continues to burn.

7 For you know that all natures of beasts and birds and reptiles of the sea or land are subject to the authority of man. 8 But no one has been able to gain subjection over the tongue when it become like an evil thing and full of venom. 9 With the tongue we bless Mar-Yah the Father; and with it we curse men who were made in the image of Alaha 10 and from the same mouth come both curses and blessings. My brethren, this type of conduct should not be found among you.

11 Can there flow from the same fountain both sweet and bitter waters? 12 My brethren, can the fig-tree bear olives? Or the vine, figs? So also the sea cannot be made sweet.

13 Who among you has been instructed in wisdom? Let him show his works in praiseworthy behaviour, wisdom and modesty. 14 But if there is bitter envy in you, or contention within your hearts, do not exalt yourselves against the truth, and do not lie. 15 For this is not the type of wisdom that comes from above; but is earthly, originating from all sorts of evil things. 16 For wherever envy is found, there also is a home for confusion, and all things become chaos. 17 But the wisdom from above is pure and full of peace, mild, and submissive, and is full of compassion and produces good fruit, and it does not have partiality, and does not discriminate against people. 18 And the fruits of righteousness are sown in stillness, by all of those who make peace.