Ma'asei ha'Shlichim (Acts of the Apostles) - Chapter 10:

1 Now in Caesarea there was a certain commander whose name was Cornelius from the company of soldiers (which is called the Italian)*.

2 And he was righteous and he feared God and he and his household did many alms among the people and at all times he sought God*.

3 Cornelius saw an angel of God in a vision at nine hours into the day who came to him and said, "Cornelius."

4 He gazed at the angel but was not frightened by his appearance and said to him, "What, my lord". And the angel said to him, "Your prayers and your alms have become as a remembrance before the throne of God*."

5 "And now send men to the city of Yoffa and bring Shimon Keipha."

6 "Look, he resides in the house of Shimon the tanner which is on the seashore."

7 When the angel departed Cornelius summoned for two of the sons of his house. And when his servants, certain men who feared God and obeyed him, he told them everything that he had seen.

8 Cornelius then sent the men to Yoffa.

9 During the next day while they were travelling on the road, they drew near the city while Shimon was going up to pray during the sixth hour.

10 And he hungered and expressed his wishes to eat and while they were preparing his food a trance came upon him.

11 Shimon saw the heavens being opened up and a great tallit made out of linen was being held by its four tzitzit, and it was descending from the heavens to the earth.

12 And there were all types of four legged creatures and creeping things of the earth and birds of heaven in it.

13 And a voice came to him saying, "Shimon, rise up and slaughter and eat."

14 And Shimon said, "Forbid, Mari*, because never have I eaten anything that is defiled and unclean."

15 And a second time a voice came to him saying, "That which God has cleansed, you shall not consider as defiled."

16 And this occurred three times and the great tallit was folded up and taken back into the heavens.

17 And while Shimon was in awe concerning what he had seen and heard, the men arrived who were sent by Cornelius and they asked concerning the house where Shimon was a resident while standing at the gate of the court*.

18 It was there that they called and said, "Is Shimon Keipha here?"

19 While Shimon was thinking about the vision, she*, the Spirit said to him, "Look! Three men are seeking you. Rise up and go down, and go with them and do not have any doubt because I am she* who sent them."

20 And Shimon went down to the men and said to them, "I am he whom you are seeking. What is the reason that you have come?"

21 And one of the men said, "A certain man whose name is Cornelius, a centurion, who is a righteous man and who fears God,"

22 "a man whom all the Judaeans give a good witness, was instructed in a vision by a holy angel to send (us) to you and bring you to his house and to hear teaching from you."

23 Shimon invited them into the house and gave them a room and gave them each a cloak.* And he rose up at the end of the day and he left with them and some of the brethren went with him to Yoffa.

24 And in the next day he entered into Caesarea and Cornelius was awaiting their arrival while all of his relatives, elderly mothers and fathers, young children*, babes and good friends were gathered around him in the same room.

25 And when Shimon entered into the room to meet him, Cornelius bowed down at his feet and worshipped him.

26 And Shimon raised him up and said to him, "Rise up. I also am a man."*

27 And while he spoke with him he entered and found many who had come there.

28 And he said to them, "You know that it is not lawful for a Judaean man to associate with a goy*, being a man who is not a son of his own people*, but God has revealed to me not to say that a man is unclean or defiled."

29 "Due to this, I came here when you sent for me. Now I ask, for what reason did you send for me?"

30 And Cornelius said to him, "It has been four days now since I was fasting and in the ninth hour I prayed in my house and a certain man was standing before me wearing white garments."

31 "And he said to me, 'Cornelius, your prayers and your alms have become as a remembrance before the throne of God.'"

32 "'And now send men to the city of Yoffa and bring Shimon Keipha. He resides in the house of Shimon the tanner which is on the seashore, and he will come and he will speak with you.'"

33 And straightway I sent men to you and certainly you did come. Look, all of us who are sitting before you desire to hear all the things that you were instructed from God.

34 And Shimon opened his mouth and said, "I see in truth that God is not partial,"

35 "but all peoples who fear Him and work righteousness* are acceptable to Him."

36 "For this is the teaching that he sent for the B'nai Yisrael*, and He gave to them hope, peace and tranquillity through Yeshua Mshikha. He is Mar-Yah, the God of all creation. You are aware concerning the teaching that was in all of Judaea."

37 "This teaching went out from the Galil after the baptism that Yokhanan was teaching concerning Yeshua who was from the village of the Nasraya*,"

38 "that God anointed with Holy Spirit and with power and this is He who travelled (in the various villages) and healed all those who were oppressed by wickedness. God was in Him.*"

39 "We are His testimony concerning all that He did in all of the land of Judaea and Yerushalayim; this same one was hanged by the Romans* upon the tree which killed His body but His spirit is with us*."

40 "And God raised Him up on the third day and permitted Him to be seen openly*"

41 "But not all of the people were chosen to be a testimony concerning His resurrection from the dead, but only us - we who ate and drank with Him."

42 "And He commanded us to teach and to give testimony to the people that He is the One who was chosen by God to (be) judge (of) the living and the dead."

43 "And concerning Mshikha, all of the nevi'im gave testimony so that whoever believes in His name* will receive absolution of their sins."

44 And while Shimon was speaking these words, Holy Spirit rested upon all of them who were listening to the teaching.

45 And the circumcised brethren were amazed and they marvelled because the gift of Holy Spirit was given even to the goyim*.

46 For the brethren heard them speaking in different languages magnifying God; and Shimon said,

47 "No man shall refuse that these should be baptised in water*, for look! they have received Holy Spirit as we have."

48 And then he instructed all of them to enter the mikvah* in the Name of Maran Yeshua Mshikha*.

49 And Cornelius and all of his relatives and all of his good friends began to beg Shimon to remain with them a few more days.


1 which is called the Italian. MS92 lacks this phrase

2 sought God. or "prayed to God", "beseeched God"

4 throne of God. Dialect: "kisa d'Alaha"

14 Mari. My Lord

17 court. courtyard. yard

19 she. All CoJ targumim, including various other Aramaic manuscripts indicate "she" or a feminine verb for "say"

23 As. Ar. is lacking these details by reading, "And then Shimon brought them in and received them (where) he was lodging"

24 children. or "sons"

26 I also am a man. Others: "I am only a man"

28 goy. gentile. non-Jew

28 people. Others: "tribe"

35 work righteousness. MS92: "work righteousness with a heart towards observance of Torah and all that which He requires a man"

36 B'nai Yisrael. sons/children of Israel

37 village of the Nasraya. MS92: "villages of the Nesarim"

38 God was in Him. Others: "God was with Him."

39 Romans. Others "Judaeans." All CoJ targumim and various other manuscripts of PoJ indicate "Romans" (Romanim)

39 but His spirit is with us. This phrase is lacking in all known mss except for CoJ targumim

40 openly. or "with all eyes", "with open eyes"

43 believes in His name. MS92: "believes in His name and works righteous towards Torah and all that God requires of a man"

45 goyim. gentiles. non-Jews

47 baptised in water. MS92: "go to mikvah"

48 enter the mikvah. MS92 says: "walk in the mikvah"; targumim: "enter down into the mikvah", "walk down in a chamber for mikvah"

48 in the Name of Maran Yeshua Mshikha. MS92: "in the Name of the Father, He who gave us Yeshua, and in the Name of Maran Yeshua, He who is Mshikha, and in the Name of the Holy Spirit, she who is the comforter."